Denis Narozhnyi


Director of the Industrial Equipment Department

Director of Mine Ventilation with experience in business development in companies producing industrial rotating equipment, components and digital systems. Worked for a number of international market leading companies: KSB, Howden, Sulzer, Aggreko and reviewed projects for the supply of complex technological and power equipment for leading industrial oil, mining and chemical companies. He has a master's degree in mechanical engineering, specializing in fluid and gas dynamics, hydraulic machines.

Pitch track 3 (Trade Show)
17 April 2024 / 16:00 - 17:30 | Sary Arka 1

Ventilation in mine workings: Increasing economy and efficiency at all stages

Although ventilation is vital and one of the most energy-intensive systems in an underground mining operation, proper ventilation is often overlooked. In the report, we will present solutions that can improve the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the ventilation system, using an integrated approach - from design and planning to the development of technical solutions in the field of main and local ventilation, heating, cooling and control.