Alexander Luchnikov


Leading geophysicist
AGT Systems Vostok

Alexander Luchnikov - Leading geophysicist of AGT Systems Vostok.
AGT Systems Vostok represents geophysical equipment and software of leading world companies, provides technical support and repair, training and consulting at any stage of work
Alexander Luchnikov has 40 years of experience in the full range of ground and airborne (including UAV) geophysics methods.
He specializes in the development of methods for the application of new hardware solutions, experimental and methodological work, training and technical support.

Pitch track 4 (Trade Show)
18 April 2024 / 09:00 - 11:00 | Sary Arka 1

UAV technologies for mining companies

The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is nowadays possible in practically all types of engineering and environmental surveys. And, undoubtedly, this technology greatly facilitates and accelerates many works. These are faster, safer and more cost-effective solutions for exploration, mining, mapping, surveying and monitoring tasks. Sensor-equipped drones solve everyday tasks in the mining and exploration industry up to 10 times faster, up to 70% cheaper and with less risk than traditional methods.