Yerlan Galiyev
Chairman of the Board
National Geological Survey
Yerlan Galiyev graduated from the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after Gubkin, oil and gas geology faculty.
He began his professional career in 2008 as an operator at the Kenbai field in the Atyrau region of Embamunaigas.
At Kainarmunaigas he started his professional career from a geologist in an oil and gas production shop and became the Head of the Geology and Development Service.
2015-2017, leading engineer of the Department of Geology and Field Development of KazMunayGas Exploration Production .
2017-2022, Director of the Geology and Development Department at Ural Oil and Gas.
2022 -2023, Deputy Chairman of the Geology Committee.
Since July 25, 2023, Chairman of the Board of National Geological Survey.
Mr. Galiуev is a representative of the Presidential Youth Personnel Pool.
Mineral resource base development tasks