Pawel Semeczko


Area Sales Manager Eastern Europe, Central Asia & Mongolia

Offering and developing Steinert's Sensor Based Sorting technology.

Session 8 (MINEX Kazakhstan’24)
18 April 2024 / 16:00 - 17:30 | Sary Arka 3

Sensor Based Sorting For Mineral Processing. How to increase efficiency of a mining operation which aligns with ESG principles.

Sensor-based sorting for minerals and ores is a strong solution to many ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) issues. The ESG framework is used to evaluate a company's environmental, social, and governance practices. Sensor-based sorting can help mining companies to improve their environmental performance by reducing the amount of waste material generated through various processes. This can result in significant energy savings and reduce the environmental impact of mining.
Additionally, sensor-based sorting can improve the social and governance practices of mining companies by increasing the efficiency and profitability of their operations, which can lead to greater social and economic benefits for local communities.

By implementing sensor-based sorting technology, mining companies can help create a more sustainable and responsible approach to mining and minerals processing which aligns with ESG principles.

Furthermore, dry sorting in mining is considered better than wet separation for several reasons:
+ it does not require any water
+ it requires less energy, which reduces the carbon footprint
+ it is known for producing higher recovery rates
+ it is less opex intensive
Overall, dry sorting is considered a more efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly approach to mineral processing compared to wet separation.

Sensor-based sorting can be applied for various operations to improve efficiency, reduce costs, increase profitability, and minimize the environmental impact of mining:
+ ROM pre-con centration
+ low grade ores (below cut-off)
+ reduction of tones transported to processing plant
+ final concentration (rougher and cleaning stage)
+ stockpile treatment / secondary mining