Marat Shagirov


General Director
Scientific Production Center GEOKEN

Graduated in Kazakhstan and abroad: first graduated from the Kazakh National Technical University, then received a Master of Science (MSc) in Energy Studies in “International Oil and Gas Management”, University of Dundee, Scotland, UK, in the Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy (CEPMLP), and completed the Executive MBA program at the Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics and Strategic Research.
He began his career at the Geoken Scientific Production Center in June 1999. Over the course of 13 years, he held various positions, including project coordinator, Chief of the geological-geophysical party, engineer, and head of the marketing and new technologies department.
Also has successful experience of working at ExxonMobil Development Company (EMDC) in Houston, Texas, USA, where he worked in Contracts Department. During this assignment, he effectively managed contracts and participated in various oil and gas projects, acquiring new skills through practical experience.
Currently, Marat Shagirov serves as the General Director of GEOKEN SPC LLP, where he leads the company in actively researching and implementing innovative methods and technologies in the fields of geology, geophysics, and engineering survey services. His strategic vision and professionalism enable Geoken to stay ahead in utilizing advanced technologies, strengthening its position in the market, and enhancing customer satisfaction.

Pitch track 6 (Trade Show)
18 April 2024 / 14:00 - 15:45 | Sary Arka 1

Modern experience of GEOKEN for 26 years: Achievements - Significant projects - Modern technologies

GEOKEN Scientific and Production Center LLP intensively researches and applies the latest methods and technologies in the field of geology, geophysics and engineering surveys, which contributes to the improvement of work efficiency and quality of services. Constant updating of technical base and highly qualified specialists provide GEOKEN to stay ahead in the application of advanced technologies, which strengthens its position in the market and increases the level of customer satisfaction.