Alexey Zakharov


Key Account Manager
Adaptive Production Technologies

In 2014 he graduated from the Ural Federal University (Ural Federal University) with a degree in Electrical Equipment and Electrical Facilities. In 2021, he completed the MBA program at the UrFU Business School.

10+ years of experience in business development and sales in the B2B segment in IT, technology and manufacturing companies, including ROSATOM, SIEMENS in various positions.

Currently, he is a key account manager at NPO Aprotech, a subsidiary of Kaspersky Lab in the area of secure Internet of Things (IoT).

Pitch track 5 (Trade Show)
18 April 2024 / 11:30 - 13:00 | Sary Arka 1

The Cybersecurity of Internet of Things

From problem

The Internet of Things has opened up access to rapid improvements in production efficiency, resource management optimization, and product quality growth. All these features are relevant for "classic" automated control systems.

The difficulty is that these automated control systems were often designed to work in a physically isolated network — when access to device data can only be obtained from inside of a closed perimeter. Connecting elements of such a system to the Internet without taking into account architectural limitations entails cybersecurity risks. The vulnerability of an IoT device can become an "entry point" into the enterprise network for intruders, among the consequences of such an attack is real physical damage.

A security method is needed that will allow working with IoT data, but without risking critical systems.

To solution

The best way to secure an industrial infrastructure is protection at the level of a data gateway connecting operational technologies (OT) and information systems (IT).
Using these devices, it is possible to connect industrial equipment, automation and object monitoring complexes to various visualization, processing and data storage systems: from corporate MES/ERP systems to advanced IoT platforms with analytical digital services and a set of ready-made developer tools.

Aprotech, together with Kaspersky Lab, has developed Kaspersky IoT Secure Gateway (KISG) based on the Cyber Immune operating system KasperskyOS. These devices allow for reliable and secure data transport, while simultaneously protecting the network infrastructure from modern cyber threats, and therefore avoiding emergency situations, minimizing technical and financial risks.

The solution is based on the KasperskyOS operating system. Thanks to the principles embedded in its architecture, it is possible to create solutions based on it that have Cyber Immunity — built-in protection against the vast majority of types of cyber attacks. This is very important for digital infrastructures, where a high level of security guarantees is needed.

The list of tasks solved by Kaspersky IoT Secure Gateway:

- networking (IP routing)
- organization of a secure communication channel, data encryption (TLS, VPN)
- aggregation of traffic from various devices, data conversion
- data preprocessing and filtering (EDGE computing)
- connection of equipment to cellular data networks (3G/LTE modem)
- control of network interactions (firewall, intrusion detection system)
- ensuring the security of "simple" devices with open network protocols
- secure centralized management, updating of components and firmware